No.1,1992 Table of Contents

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Coping with the environmental effects of point-source discharges
  John CaimsJr.,B. R. NiederlehnerB. R. Niederlehner, John CaimsJr.
  1992,4(1):1-9 [Abstract(2154)]  [View PDF]
Effects of atmospheric gases on terrestrial plants and critical levels of air pollution
  1992,4(1):10-14 [Abstract(2313)]  [View PDF]
An interactive simulation model of urban ecosystem and its implementation
  Lu Yonglong,Yang Bangjie,Wang RusongLu Yonglong, Wang Rusong, Yang Bangjie
  1992,4(1):15-22 [Abstract(2502)]  [View PDF]
Reed-wetland beds for municipal wastewater treatment
  Tang Yunping,Mi Ruilan,Zhao Jinling,Shen Weiran,Tian ShuhuiMi Ruilan, Shen Weiran, Tang Yunping, Tian Shuhui, Zhao Jinling
  1992,4(1):23-31 [Abstract(2366)]  [View PDF]
Quantitation of metallothionein and cadmium in metallothionein in mink livers by anion-exchange HPLC-GFAAS method
  Shan Xiaoquan,Sun Peng,Zheng Yan,Jin Longzhu,Xu WeibingJin Longzhu, Shan Xiaoquan, Sun Peng, Xu Weibing, Zheng Yan
  1992,4(1):32-38 [Abstract(2282)]  [View PDF]
Are chaos and catastrophe theories relevant to environmental sciences?
  John Kaihong KAMJohn Kaihong KAM
  1992,4(1):39-42 [Abstract(2330)]  [View PDF]
Study of prediction for groundwater contamination in wastewater land treatment system
  Liu Zhaochang,Liu Xiang,Zhu KunLiu Xiang, Liu Zhaochang, Zhu Kun
  1992,4(1):43-51 [Abstract(2277)]  [View PDF]
Modern sea level changes of the Eastern China Seas and their influences on coastal areas
  Liu ZhenxiaLiu Zhenxia
  1992,4(1):52-59 [Abstract(2365)]  [View PDF]
Studies on crop growth modelling and simulation models in China
  Wang Shili,Wang FutangWang Futang, Wang Shili
  1992,4(1):60-65 [Abstract(2585)]  [View PDF]
Study on the proposed environmental guidelines for Cd, Hg, Pb and As in soil of China
  Wu Yanyu,Tian Junliang,Zhou QixingTian Junliang, Wu Yanyu, Zhou Qixing
  1992,4(1):66-73 [Abstract(2395)]  [View PDF]
Metabolism of N-phenyl-2-naphthylamine andN-phenyl-1-naphthylamine by rat hepaticmicrosomes and hepatocytes
  Xue Xuanxian,Thomas WolffThomas Wolff, Xue Xuanxian
  1992,4(1):74-83 [Abstract(2621)]  [View PDF]
Analysis of organic compounds in coal gasification wastewater
  Wang Jusi,Zhao LihuiWang Jusi, Zhao Lihui
  1992,4(1):84-96 [Abstract(2285)]  [View PDF]
Photocatalytic decolourization of reactive dyes
  You Daoxin,Xie Huasheng,Dai ShuguiDai Shugui, Xie Huasheng, You Daoxin
  1992,4(1):97-105 [Abstract(2350)]  [View PDF]
A complete set of procedure for determination of multiresidue of pesticides in vegetables
  Yao Jianren,Wang Zhengguo,Jiao Shuzhen,Zheng Yongquan,Zhao Jing,Gao Xiwu,T. T. LiangGao Xiwu, Jiao Shuzhen, T. T. Liang, Wang Zhengguo, Yao Jianren, Zhao Jing, Zheng Yongquan
  1992,4(1):106-116 [Abstract(2220)]  [View PDF]
The ways to prevent pollution of the pulp and paper industry in China
  Yan HongbangYan Hongbang
  1992,4(1):117-122 [Abstract(2274)]  [View PDF]
Division of Geography SciencesDepartment of Earth SciencesNational Natural Science Foundation of ChinaThe approval projects on field of environmental sciences (1991)
  1992,4(1):123-124 [Abstract(1764)]  [View PDF]
Beautiful scenery of Huanglong
  1992,4(1):125-126 [Abstract(1865)]  [View PDF]
Impact of Different Levels of Nitrogen Fertilizer on N2O Emission from Different Soils
  JIAO Yan,HUANG Yao,ZONG Liang-gang,ZHOU Quan-suo and Ronald L.SassRonald L. Sass, 黄耀, 焦燕, 周权锁, 宗良纲
  1992,4(1):2094-2098 [Abstract(3237)]  [View PDF]

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