Aquatic environment

Characteristics of high-sulfate wastewater treatment by two-phase anaerobic digestion process with Jet-loop anaerobic fluidized bed

WEI Chao-hai , WANG Wen-xiang , DENG Zhi-yi , WU Chao-fei


Received March 21, 2006,Revised June 07, 2006, Accepted , Available online

Volume 19,2007,Pages 264-270

  • Summary
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A new anaerobic reactor Jet-loop anaerobic fluidized bed (JLAFB) was designed for treating high-sulfate wastewater. The treatment characteristics, including the effect of influent COD/SO42- ratio and alkalinity and sulfide inhibition in reactors, were discussed for a JLAFB and a general anaerobic fluidized bed (AFB) reactor used as sulfate-reducing phase and methane-producing phase, respectively, in two-phase anaerobic digestion process. The formation of granules in two reactors was also examined. The results indicated that COD and sulfate removal had different demand of influent COD/SO42- ratios. When total COD removal was up to 90%, the ratio was only required up to 1.2, whereas, total sulfate removal up to 95% required it exceeding 3.0. The alkalinity in the two reactors increased linearly with the growth of influent alkalinity. Moreover, the change of influent alkalinity had no significant effect on pH and VFA in the two reactors. Influent alkalinity kept at 400-500 mg/L could meet the requirement of the treating process. The JLAFB reactor had great advantage in avoiding sulfide and free-H2S accumulation and toxicity inhibition on microorganisms. When sulfate loading rate was up to 8.1 kg/(m3?d), the sulfide and free-H2S concentrations in JLAFB reactor were 58.6 and 49.7 mg/L, respectively. Furthermore, the granules, with offwhite color, ellipse shape and diameters of 1.0-3.0 mm, could be developed in JLAFB reactor. In granules, different groups of bacteria were distributed in different layers, and some inorganic metal compounds such as Fe, Ca, Mg etc. were found.

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