Aquatic environment

Removal of haloacetic acids by nanofiltration

CHALATIP Ratasuk , CHAWALIT Ratanatamskul , NOPAWAN Ratasuk


Received March 10, 2008,Revised July 15, 2008, Accepted , Available online

Volume 21,2009,Pages 96-100

  • Summary
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Haloacetic acids, disinfection byproducts (DBPs) formed during drinking water chlorination process are carcinogens. The e cacy of nanofiltration (NF) was examined for the removal of five regulated haloacetic acids (HAA5): chloro-, dichloro-, and trichloro-acetic acid (CAA, DCAA, and TCAA); bromo-, and dibromo-acetic acid (BAA, and DBAA) in synthetic water. NF with the dense negatively charged membrane (ES 10), is the most e cient in removing HAA5 than the loose negatively charged membrane (NTR 7410) and neutral surface membrane (NTR 729HF), due to the greater electrostatic repulsion (Donan exclusion) and sieve e ect. Excellent HAA5 removal e ciency of 90%–100% could be obtained even at a low pressure of 1 105 Pa with ES 10. Changes in cross-flow velocity did not e ect the performance of membranes with a small pore size such as ES 10 and NTR 729HF. The increase in HAA5 concentration exhibited the adverse e ect on the performance of three membranes by strengthening the concentration polarization, which was the driving force for the di usion of HAA anions across the membrane.

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