Environmental health and toxicology

Prolonged manganese exposure induces severe deficits in lifespan, developmentand reproduction possibly by altering oxidative stress responsein Caenorhabditis elegans

XIAO Jing , RUI Qi , GUO Yuling , CHANG Xingya , WANG Dayong


Received July 02, 2008,Revised October 11, 2008, Accepted , Available online

Volume 21,2009,Pages 842-848

  • Summary
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We examined the possible multiple defects induced by acute and prolonged exposure to high levels of manganese (Mn) solution by monitoring the endpoints of lifespan, development, reproduction, and stress response. Our data suggest that acute exposure (6 h) to Mn did not cause severe defects of life span, development, and reproduction, similarly, no significant defect could be found in animals exposed to a low concentration of Mn (2.5 mol/L) for 48 h. In contrast, prolonged exposure (48 h) to high Mn concentrations (75 and 200 mol/L) resulted in significant defects of life span, development, and reproduction, as well as the increase of the percentage of population with hsp-16.2::gfp expression indicating the obvious induction of stress responses in exposed animals. Moreover, prolonged exposure (48 h) to high concentrations (75 and 200 mol/L) of Mn decreased the expression levels of antioxidant genes of sod-1, sod-2, sod-3, and sod-4 compared to control. Therefore, prolonged exposure to high concentrations of Mn will induce the severe defects of life span, development, and reproduction in nematodes possibly by a ecting the stress response and expression of antioxidant genes in Caenorhabditis elegans.

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