Environmental biology

Comparative study of microbial community structure in di erent filter mediaof constructed wetland

Ming Li , Qiaohong Zhou , Min Tao , Ying Wang , Lijuan Jiang , Zhenbin Wu


Received March 11, 2009,Revised June 05, 2009, Accepted , Available online

Volume 22,2010,Pages 127-133

  • Summary
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Comparisons of microbial community structure, in eight filter media of zeolites, anthracite, shale, vermiculite, ceramic filter media, gravel, steel slag and bio-ceramic, were undertaken by analyzing the phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) composition. A total of 20 fatty acids in the range of C11 to C20 were determined but only 13 PLFAs were detected in steel slag. They consist of saturated fatty acids, branched fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The variation of fatty acids was revealed in the relative proportions of these fatty acids in di erent media. The aerobic prokaryotes were the predominant group in all media. The PLFA composition showed significant di erences among the eight di erent media by Tukey’s honestly test. It was found that steel slag was significantly di erent in the microbial community as compared to other filter media, probably due to its alkaline e uent. Steel slag alone is probably not a good choice of substratum in constructed wetlands. The principle components analysis (PCA) showed that zeolites, bio-ceramic, shale and vermiculite had a similar microbial community structure while steel slag and ceramic filter media were distinct from other media.

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