Environmental biology

Influence of sunlight on the proliferation of cyanobacterial blooms and its potential applications in Lake Taihu, China

Qichao Zhou , Wei Chen , Kun Shan , Lingling Zheng , Lirong Song


Received April 23, 2013,Revised July 29, 2013, Accepted , Available online March 04, 2014

Volume 26,2014,Pages 626-635

To learn the relationship between sunlight intensity and cyanobacterial proliferations for the further control of the heavy blooms, enclosure experiment were conducted in Meiliang Bay, Lake Taihu by regulating the natural light intensities with different shading ratio (0% (full sunlight), 10%, 25%, 50% and 75% of original natural sunlight intensities) from September to November in 2010. The results indicated that phytoplankton biomass (mean) decreased significantly when the shading ratios reached 50% or more. Higher shading ratios (e.g. 75%) were very efficient in controlling the average and total cyanobacterial bloom biomass, while 50% shading ratio was proven very effective either in controlling the peak value of phytoplankton biomass or postponing the occurrence of cyanobacterial blooms in Lake Taihu. In addition, phytoplankton composition and photosynthesis efficiency were also affected by altering the shading ratios, and in turn, they might also act on phytoplankton growth. Based on the results from the present study, intermediate shading strategies such as regulation of water level or turbidity through the hydrology regulations would probably be an effective and efficient method in controlling cyanobacterial blooms in large and shallow lakes.

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