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Chemical characterization of size-resolved aerosols in four seasons and hazy days in the megacity Beijing of China

Kang Sun , Xingang Liu , Jianwei Gu , Yunpeng Li , Yu Qu , Junling An , Jingli Wang , Yuanhang Zhang , Min Hu , Fang Zhang


Received August 27, 2014,Revised December 24, 2014, Accepted , Available online June 08, 2015

Volume 27,2015,Pages 155-167

Size-resolved aerosol samples were collected by MOUDI in four seasons in 2007 in Beijing. The PM10 and PM1.8 mass concentrations were1 66.0±120.5 and 91.6±69.7 μg/m3, respectively, throughout the measurement, with seasonal variation: nearly two times higher in autumn than in summer and spring. Serious fine particle pollution occurred in winter with the PM1.8/PM10 ratio of 0.63, which was higher than other seasons. The size distribution of PM showed obvious seasonal and diurnal variation, with a smaller fine mode peak in spring and in the daytime. OM (organic matter=1.6×OC(organi ccarbon)) and SIA (secondary inorganic aerosol) were major components of fine particles, while OM, SIA and Ca2+ were major components in coarse particles. Moreover, secondary components, mainly SOA (secondary organicaerosol) and SIA, accounted for 46%-96% of each size bin in fine particles, which meant that secondary pollution existed allyear. Sulfates and nitrates, primarily in the form of (NH4)2SO4, NH4NO3, CaSO4, Na2SO4 and K2SO4, calculated by the model ISORROPIA II, were major components of the solid phase in fine particles.The PM concentration and size distribution were similar in the four seasons on non-hazedays, while large differences occurred on haze days, which indicated seasonal variation of PM concentration and size distribution were dominated by haze days. The SIA concentrations and fractions of nearly all size bins were higher on haze days than on non-haze days, which was attributed to heterogeneous aqueou sreactions on hazed ays in the four seasons.

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