Regular articles

Use of micellar liquid chromatography for rapid monitoring of fungicides post harvest applied to citrus wastewater

Juan Peris-Vicente , Ana Marzo-Mas , Pasqual Roca-Genovés , Samuel Carda-Broch , Josep Esteve-Romero


Received October 09, 2015,Revised November 30, 2015, Accepted December 16, 2015, Available online February 01, 2016

Volume 28,2016,Pages 284-292

A method based on micellar liquid chromatography has been developed to simultaneously monitor four pesticides largely post-harvest applied to citrus: thiabendazole, pyrimethanil, o-phenylphenol and imazalil. Water samples were filtered and directly injected without other treatment, thus avoiding extraction steps. The composition of the mobile phase was optimized using a chemometrical approach to achieve and excellent resolution to 0.07 mol/L SDS/5%, V/V 1-pentanol buffered at pH 3. Mobile phase run through a C18 column at 1 mL/min at room temperature. The detection was performing by UV–Visible absorbance using a wavelength program: 0–10 min, 305 nm (for thiabendazole); 10–12; 265 nm (for pyrimethanil) and 12–18, 220 nm (o-phenylphenol and imazalil). The developed method was validated following the guidelines of the US Environmental Protection Agency in terms of: quantitation range, (0.5–4 to 15 μg/mL), linearity (r2 > 0.9995), sensitivity (LOD, 0.18–1.4 μg/mL), precision (< 9.2%), trueness (93.9%–103.7%), and ruggedness (< 9.9%). It was found that the fungicides remain up to eight days in surface water at outdoor conditions. The method was used to screen the presence of the analytes in several waste water samples, and was proved to be useful in routine analysis.

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