MnFe2O4 nanoparticles as new catalyst for oxidative degradation of phenol by peroxydisulfate

Bogdan Militaru , Cornelia Muntean , Marcela Stoia


Received July 13, 2015,Revised September 26, 2015, Accepted October 12, 2015, Available online May 19, 2016

Volume 29,2017,Pages 269-277

Manganese ferrite nanopowder was prepared by thermal decomposition at 400°C of the gel synthesized from manganese and iron nitrates and polyvinyl alcohol. X-ray diffractometry evidenced that manganese ferrite was formed as single crystalline phase at this temperature. Scanning electron microscope images evidenced the formation of very fine spherical particles (d < 11 nm) of manganese ferrite, with specific surface area of 147 m2/g. The powder obtained at 400°C was used as a catalyst for the oxidative degradation of phenol in aqueous solutions, in the presence of potassium peroxydisulfate as oxidant. High phenol removal efficiencies above 90% were reached at: pH 3–3.5, phenol initial concentration around 50 mg/L, peroxydisulfate:phenol mass ratio 10:1, and catalyst dose 3 g/L. Total organic carbon measurements showed that the degradation of phenol goes, under these conditions, to mineralization in an extent of 60%.

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