A synthetical methodology for identifying priority pollutants in reclaimed water based on meta-analysis

Yuguo Du , Feipeng Wang , Dongbin Wei , Miao Chen , Shuang Peng , Qiaorong Guo , Xinyi Zhang , Jun Liu


Received March 16, 2021,Revised , Accepted May 07, 2021, Available online May 30, 2021

Volume 34,2022,Pages 106-114

Wastewater reclamation and reuse is an increasing global project, while the reclamation treatment on wastewater does not completely remove all pollutants in water. The residual pollutants in reclaimed water would cause potential risk on human health and ecosystem safety during the long-term use. It is impossible to analyze and control all pollutants one by one in practice, therefore, identification and control of priority pollutants will be efficient strategy to ensure the safe use of reclaimed water. An integrated three-step methodology for identifying priority pollutants in reclaimed water was proposed in this study. First, a comprehensive literature survey on the occurrence of pollutants in reclaimed water was conducted, and a dataset DPR for pollutants occurrence in reclaimed water was established, containing 1,113 pollutants. Second, 611 chemicals that had been recommended as hazardous pollutants for various water bodies in previous literatures were summarized, and a dataset DHP for hazardous pollutants in water was obtained. Third, meta-analysis on these two datasets (DPR and DHP) was performed, a new dataset DHPR for hazardous pollutants in reclaimed water was established, including 265 candidates. Finally, 59 substances out of dataset DHPR were identified as priority pollutants for reclaimed water based on their recommendation frequency. It is expected that this synthetical methodology will provide powerful support for scientific evaluating and managing water pollution and ensuring safe use of reclaimed water.

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