Formation of organic chloride in the treatment of textile dyeing sludge by Fenton system

Chenghai Yang , Xiaojun Lai , Xun-an Ning , Yang Li , Nuoyi Huang , Yaping Zhang


Received September 07, 2021,Revised , Accepted November 21, 2021, Available online February 14, 2022

Volume 35,2023,Pages 376-387

In the oxidation treatment of textile dyeing sludge, the quantitative and transformation laws of organic chlorine are not clear enough. Thus, this study mainly evaluated the treatment of textile dyeing sludge by Fenton and Fenton-like system from the aspects of the influence of Cl, the removal of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and organic carbon, and the removal and formation mechanism of organic chlorine. The results showed that the organic halogen in sludge was mainly hydrophobic organic chlorine, and the content of adsorbable organic chlorine (AOCl) was 0.30 mg/g (dry sludge). In the Fenton system with pH=3, 500 mg/L Cl, 30 mmol/L Fe2+ and 30 mmol/L H2O2, the removal of phenanthrene was promoted by chlorine radicals (•Cl), and the AOCl in sludge solid phase increased to 0.55 mg/g (dry sludge) at 30 min. According to spectral analysis, it was found that •Cl could chlorinate aromatic and aliphatic compounds (excluding PAHs) in solid phase at the same time, and eventually led to the accumulation of aromatic chlorides in solid phase. Strengthening the oxidation ability of Fenton system increased the formation of organic chlorines in liquid and solid phases. In weak acidity, the oxidation and desorption of superoxide anion promoted the removal and migration of PAHs and organic carbon in solid phase, and reduced the formation of total organic chlorine. The Fenton-like system dominated by non-hydroxyl radical could realize the mineralization of PAHs, organic carbon and organic chlorines instead of migration. This paper builds a basis for the selection of sludge conditioning methods.

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