Atmospheric environment monitoring technology and equipment in China: A review and outlook

Pinhua Xie , Youwen Sun , Ting Yang , Huaqiao Gui , Xin Li , Weigang Wang , Jun Duan , Shushuai Mao , Hao Yin , Bin Zhou , Jianlei Lang , Haijin Zhou , Cheng Liu


Received September 28, 2021,Revised , Accepted January 10, 2022, Available online January 17, 2022

Volume 35,2023,Pages 41-53

Accurate monitoring of the atmospheric environment and its evolution are important for understanding the sources, chemical mechanisms, and transport processes of air pollution and carbon emissions in China, and for regulatory and control purposes. This study gives an overview of atmospheric environment monitoring technology and equipment in China and summarizes the major achievements obtained in recent years. China has made great progress in the development of atmospheric environment monitoring technology and equipment with decades of effort. The manufacturing level of atmospheric environment monitoring equipment and the quality of products have steadily improved, and a technical & production system that can meet the requirements of routine monitoring activities has been initiated. It is expected that domestic atmospheric environment monitoring technology and equipment will be able to meet future demands for routine monitoring activities in China and provide scientific assistance for addressing air pollution problems.

Copyright © Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press. All rights reserved.京ICP备05002858号-3