Metal-organic frameworks incorporated with C3N4: A visible light enhanced platform for degradation of polybromodiphenyl ethers

Chunyan Sun , Akese Emmanuel , Meiying Yang , Tingting Xu , Qi Shen


Received October 10, 2021,Revised , Accepted April 26, 2022, Available online May 06, 2022

Volume 35,2023,Pages 44-54

A series of nano-photocatalysts metal-organic frameworks (MOFs)/graphitic carbon nitride (CN) (named MOFCN-x) with high activity have been synthesized by in-situ growth method. Under visible light irradiation, MOFCN-x hybrids show enhanced photocatalytic activity for the debromination of polybromodiphenyl ethers (PBDEs) compared with CN. Among all the hybrids, MOFCN-2 shows the highest reaction rate, which is 3.3 times as high as that in CN. MOFCN-x photocatalysts own stable visible light activity after recycled experiment. It indicates that a moderate amount of MOFs in MOFCN-x can largely enhance the photocatalytic ability by improved visible light absorption, larger specific surface area and better photo-generated charge carriers separation and transfer capabilities. More interestingly, the debromination pathway of PBDEs by MOFCN-x shows obvious selectivity compared with pure CN that bromines at meta-positions are much more susceptible than those at the para- and ortho-positions. The possible photoreductive mechanism has been proposed. This study shows that nanocomposite MOFCN can be an excellent candidate for dealing with halogen pollutants by solar-driven.

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