Enhanced hydrolytic removal of tylosin in wastewater using polymer-based solid acid catalysts converted from polystyrene

Xiaomin Dou , Shiling Li , Shuhan Sun , Fei Qi


Received March 12, 2022,Revised , Accepted May 16, 2022, Available online May 27, 2022

Volume 35,2023,Pages 287-296

Antibiotic production wastewater usually contains high concentrations of antibiotic residues, which can cause instability and deterioration of biological wastewater treatment units and also domestication and proliferation of antibiotic-resistance bacteria. An effective pretreatment on antibiotics production wastewater is expected to selectively reduce the concentration of antibiotics and decrease the toxicity, rather than mitigate organic and other contaminants before further treatments. In this work, two polymer-based solid acids, PS-S and CPS-S bearing high concentrations of -SOH3 groups (up to 4.57 mmol/g), were prepared and successfully used for hydrolytic mitigation of 100 mg/L tylosin within 20 min. The co-existence of high concentrations of COD and humic substances did not affect the mitigation of tylosin obviously, while more than 500 mg/L of nitrogenous compounds suppressed the hydrolytic efficiency. Recycle and reuse experiments showed that the solid acids performed well in five cycles after regeneration. Three transformation products (P1, P2 and P3) were identified using UPLC-QTOF-MS/MS. Sugar moieties including mycarse, mycaminose, and mycinose detached and released simultaneously or in order from the 16-member lactone ring through desugarization, which led to a dramatic decrease in antibacterial activity as revealed by cytotoxicity evaluations using S. aureus. Ecotoxicity estimation indicated the acute toxicities of the hydrolyzed products to model species (e.g., fish, daphnid and green algae) were classified as “not harmful”. This work suggested an effective and selective method to pretreat tylosin-contained production wastewater by using polymer-based solid acids. These results will shed light on effective elimination of antibiotics pollution from pharmaceutical industries through strengthening the pretreatments.

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