Abiotic and biotic constituents of oil sands process-affected waters

James L. Stafford , Nora A.S. Hussain


Received February 15, 2022,Revised , Accepted June 04, 2022, Available online June 18, 2022

Volume 35,2023,Pages 169-186

The oil sands in Northern Alberta are the largest oil sands in the world, providing an important economic resource for the Canadian energy industry. The extraction of petroleum in the oil sands begins with the addition of hot water to the bituminous sediment, generating oil sands process-affected water (OSPW), which is acutely toxic to organisms. Trillions of litres of OSPW are stored on oil sands mining leased sites in man-made reservoirs called tailings ponds. As the volume of OSPW increases, concerns arise regarding the reclamation and eventual release of this water back into the environment. OSPW is composed of a complex and heterogeneous mix of components that vary based on factors such as company extraction techniques, age of the water, location, and bitumen ore quality. Therefore, the effective remediation of OSPW requires the consideration of abiotic and biotic constituents within it to understand short and long term effects of treatments used. This review summarizes selected chemicals and organisms in these waters and their interactions to provide a holistic perspective on the physiochemical and microbial dynamics underpinning OSPW .

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