A vehicle-mounted dual-smog chamber: Characterization and its preliminary application to evolutionary simulation of photochemical processes in a quasi-realistic atmosphere

Boguang Wang , Wenlu Wang , Yang Xiao , Shijie Han , Yang Zhang , Daocheng Gong , Hao Wang


Received April 02, 2022,Revised , Accepted July 22, 2022, Available online August 02, 2022

Volume 35,2023,Pages 98-108

Smog chambers are the effective tools for studying formation mechanisms of air pollution. Simulations by traditional smog chambers differ to a large extent from real atmospheric conditions, including light, temperature and atmospheric composition. However, the existing parameters for mechanism interpretation are derived from the traditional smog chambers. To address the gap between the traditional laboratory simulations and the photochemistry in the real atmosphere, a vehicle-mounted indoor-outdoor dual-smog chamber (JNU-VMDSC) was developed, which can be quickly transferred to the desired sites to simulate quasi-realistic atmosphere simultaneously in both chambers using “local air”. Multiple key parameters of the smog chamber were characterized in the study, demonstrating that JNU-VMDSC meets the requirements of general atmospheric chemistry simulation studies. Additionally, the preliminary results for the photochemical simulations of quasi-realistic atmospheres in Pearl River Delta region and Nanling Mountains are consistent with literature reports on the photochemistry in this region. JNU-VMDSC provides a convenient and reliable experimental device and means to study the mechanism of atmospheric photochemical reactions to obtain near-real results, and will make a great contribution to the control of composite air pollution.

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