Assessment of tree-ring mercury radial translocation and age effect in Masson pine: Implications for historical atmospheric mercury reconstruction

Dingyong Wang , Xu Liu , Xun Wang


Received September 21, 2022,Revised , Accepted October 16, 2022, Available online October 27, 2022

Volume 36,2024,Pages 266-276

The tree ring has been regarded as an emerging archive to reconstruct historical atmospheric mercury (Hg) trends, but with the large knowledge gaps in the reliability. In this study, we comprehensively evaluated the Hg source, radial translocation and age effect of Masson pine (Pinus massoniana) tree ring at Mt. Jinyun in Chongqing, to assess the suitability of such tree ring as the archive of atmospheric Hg. Results showed that distinct variabilities among Masson pine tree-ring Hg concentration profiles. The Hg concentration significantly increased along with stem height (P < 0.05), indicating the Hg in tree rings mainly derived from foliage uptake atmospheric Hg. We found a distinct age effect that the tree ring of young trees had the higher Hg concentration. Besides, we used the advection-diffusion model to demonstrate how Hg concentration shifted by the advection or/and diffusion in tree rings. The modeling results showed that the advection induced radial translocation during the young growth period of tree was a plausible mechanism to result in the tree-ring Hg record largely different from the trend of anthropogenic Hg emissions in Chongqing. We finally suggest that in further Hg dendrochemistry, better discarding the tree-ring Hg profile of the young growth period to reduce impacts of the radial translocation and age effect.

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