Modeling study on the roles of the deposition and transport of PM2.5 in air quality changes over central-eastern China

Xiaoye Zhang , Lei Zhang , Jianjun He , Sunling Gong , Xiaomei Guo , Tianliang Zhao , Huizheng Che , Hong Wang , Chunhong Zhou , Jingyue Mo , Ke Gui , Yu Zheng , Lei Li , Junting Zhong


Received March 13, 2022,Revised , Accepted October 20, 2022, Available online November 02, 2022

Volume 35,2023,Pages 535-544

The role of PM2.5 (particles with aerodynamic diameters ≤ 2.5 µm) deposition in air quality changes over China remains unclear. By using the three-year (2013, 2015, and 2017) simulation results of the WRF/CUACE v1.0 model from a previous work (Zhang et al., 2021), a non-linear relationship between the deposition of PM2.5 and anthropogenic emissions over central-eastern China in cold seasons as well as in different life stages of haze events was unraveled. PM2.5 deposition is spatially distributed differently from PM2.5 concentrations and anthropogenic emissions over China. The North China Plain (NCP) is typically characterized by higher anthropogenic emissions compared to southern China, such as the middle-low reaches of Yangtze River (MLYR), which includes parts of the Yangtze River Delta and the Midwest. However, PM2.5 deposition in the NCP is significantly lower than that in the MLYR region, suggesting that in addition to meteorology and emissions, lower deposition is another important factor in the increase in haze levels. Regional transport of pollution in central-eastern China acts as a moderator of pollution levels in different regions, for example by bringing pollution from the NCP to the MLYR region in cold seasons. It was found that in typical haze events the deposition flux of PM2.5 during the removal stages is substantially higher than that in accumulation stages, with most of the PM2.5 being transported southward and deposited to the MLYR and Sichuan Basin region, corresponding to a latitude range of about 24°N-31°N.

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