Effects of acid mine drainage on photochemical and biological degradation of dissolved organic matter in karst river water

Yeye Ren , Linwei Li , Xingxing Cao , Chujie Bu , Pan Wu , Biao Tian , Yongheng Dai


Received October 12, 2022,Revised , Accepted December 12, 2022, Available online December 20, 2022

Volume 36,2024,Pages 26-38

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) can be removed or transformed by photochemical and biological processes, producing the negative effect of transforming organic carbon into inorganic carbon, which plays a vital role in the karst carbon cycle. However, acid mine drainage (AMD) will affect this process, so the degradation of DOM in karst river water (KRW) needs to be studied in this context. In this study, to reveal the evolution processes of DOM under photochemical and biological conditions in AMD-impacted KRW, AMD and KRW were mixed in different ratios under conditions of visible light irradiation (VL), biodegradation (BD), ultraviolet irradiation (UV) and ultraviolet irradiation + biodegradation (UV+BD). The average DOC concentrations in samples after mixing AMD and KRW in different proportions decreased significantly (by 23%) in UV+BD, which was 1.2–1.4 times higher than under the other conditions and would lead to a significant release of inorganic carbon. Further analysis of the fluorescence parameters via parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) revealed that the DOM fluorescence components in AMD comprised mainly protein-like substances derived from autochthonous components, while the DOM fluorescence components in KRW were mainly humic-like substances with both autochthonous and allochthonous sources. Therefore, AMD could promote both the photochemical and biological degradation of DOM in karst receiving streams, resulting in the conversion of DOC to inorganic carbon. The results showed that the synergistic effects of UV+BD and AMD accelerated the degradation of DOM and the release of inorganic carbon in KRW, thus affecting the stability of the karst carbon cycle.

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