Operando investigation of particle re-entrainment mechanism in electrostatic capture process on the lab-on-a-chip

Wenfeng Shangguan , Yong Zhu , Yikun Zhang , Xiaoyong Yang , Shanlong Tao , Mingxia Chen


Received September 07, 2022,Revised , Accepted December 12, 2022, Available online December 20, 2022

Volume 36,2024,Pages 337-347

Inhalable particle is a harmful air pollutant that causes a significant threat to people's health and ecological environments, which should be removed to purify air, but there exists limited removal efficiency due to particle re-entrainment. Here, Operando observation system based on microscopic visualization method is developed to make in situ test of particle migration, deposition and re-entrainment characteristics on a lab-on-a-chip to achieve the investigation in micro-level scale. The deposition evolution of charged particles is recorded in electric field region intuitively, which confirms the fracture of particle chain occurs during the growth process of deposited particles. It captures the instantaneous process that a larger particle with micron size due to the coagulation of submicron particles fractures from main body of the particle chain for the first time. The analysis of migration behavior of a single submicron particle near electrode surface demonstrates the direct influence of drag force on the fracture of particle chain. This work is the first-time visualization of dynamic process and mechanism elucidation of particle re-entrainment at the micron level, and the findings will provide the theory support for the particle re-entrainment mechanism and bring inspires of enhancing capture efficiency of inhalable particle.

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