A passive sampler for synchronously measuring inorganic and organic pollutants in sediment porewater: Configuration and field application

Hong Zhang , Pei Lei , Mingying Chen , Nan Rong , Wenzhong Tang


Received October 20, 2022,Revised , Accepted February 13, 2023, Available online February 21, 2023

Volume 36,2024,Pages 201-212

In situ measurement of multiple pollutants coexisting in sediment porewater is an essential step in comprehensively assessing the bioavailability and risk of pollutants, but to date, this needs to be better developed. In this study, a passive sampler, consisting of an “I-shaped” supporting frame and inorganic/organic sampling units, incorporating equilibrium dialysis theory and kinetic/equilibrium sorption principle, was developed for the synchronous measurement of inorganic (e.g., phosphorus and metal(loid)s) and organic pollutants (e.g., parent and substituted PAHs). The equilibrium time and sampling rates were explored in laboratory tests to support in situ application. Profiles of pollutants in porewater within a vertical resolution of centimeters, i.e., 1 cm and 2 cm for inorganic and organic pollutants, respectively, were obtained by field deployment of the sampler for further estimation of diffusive fluxes across the sediment-water interface. The results suggested that the role of sediments for a specific pollutant may change (e.g., from “sink” to “source”) during the sampling time. This study demonstrated the feasibility of synchronous measurement of inorganic and organic pollutants in sediment porewater by the passive sampler. In addition, it provided new insight for further investigation into the combined pollution effects of various pollutants in sediments.

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