Photo-thermal synergistic excitation: Feasible strategy to detect ethanol for wide bandgap ZIF-8 at low work temperature

Hongbo Zeng , Shuhao Shi , Qian Du , Ming Hou , Xiaolei Ye , Li Yang , Shenghui Guo , Jianhong Yi , Ullah Ehsan


Received September 26, 2022,Revised , Accepted February 28, 2023, Available online March 10, 2023

Volume 36,2024,Pages 112-120

Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8 (ZIF-8) material was prepared by chemical precipitation method. The microstructure and physical properties of the as-prepared samples were characterized by XRD, BET, FESEM and UV spectrophotometer. The self-made four-channel measurement device was used to test the gas sensitivity of ZIF-8 material toward ethanol gas under photo-thermal synergistic excitation. The results showed that the sample was typical ZIF-8 (Eg = 4.96 eV) with a regular dodecahedron shape and the specific surface is up to 1793 m2/g. The as-prepared ZIF-8 has a gas response value of 55.04 to 100 ppm ethanol at 75°C and it shows good gas sensing selectivity and repeated stability. The excellent gas sensitivity can be attributed to the increase of free electron concentration in the ZIF-8 conduction band by photo-thermal synergistic excitation, and the large specific surface area of ZIF-8 material provides more active sites for gas-solid surface reaction. The reaction mechanism of ZIF-8 material under multi-field excitation was also discussed.

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