Effect of relative humidity on the desulfurization performance of calcium-based desulfurizer

Haiyan Chen , Juan Lǖ , Yu Fu , Haiyan Yu , Huan Wang , Zhe Wang


Received August 30, 2022,Revised , Accepted February 28, 2023, Available online March 11, 2023

Volume 36,2024,Pages 179-188

Low desulfurization efficiency impedes the wide application of dry desulfurization technology, which is a low-cost and simple process, and one significant solution is the development and manufacture of high-performance desulfurizers. In this study, firstly, a steam jet mill was used to digest quicklime; then, we utilized numerical simulation to study the flow field distribution and analyze the driving factors of quicklime digestion; and lastly, the desulfurization performance of the desulfurizer was evaluated under different relative humidities. The results show that the desulfurizer prepared via the steam jet mill had better apparent activity than traditional desulfurizers. Also, the entire jet flow field of the steam jet mill is in a supersonic and highly turbulent flow state, with high crushing intensity and good particle acceleration performance. Sufficient contact with the nascent surface maximizes the formation of slaked lime. The experiments demonstrated that the operating time with 100% desulfurization efficiency and the “break-through” time for the desulfurizer prepared via the steam jet mill is longer than that of traditional desulfurizers, and has significant advantages, especially at low flue gas relative humidity. Compared with traditional desulfurizers, the desulfurizer prepared via steam jet mill expands the range of acceptable flue gas temperature, and the failure temperature is 1.625 times that of traditional desulfurizers. This work breaks through the technical bottleneck of low dry desulfurization efficiency, which is an important step in pushing forward the application of dry desulfurization.

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