Enhanced photocatalytic performance of Bi2O2CO3/Bi4O5Br2/reduced graphene oxide Z-schemehe terojunction via a one-pot room-temperature synthesis

Jianhua Hou , Xiaoge Wu , Lei Yan , Rongrong Qin , Qikai Zhang , Wei Yang , Xiaozhi Wang , Yongcai Zhang , Min Luo


Received November 09, 2022,Revised , Accepted March 17, 2023, Available online March 28, 2023

Volume 36,2024,Pages 418-427

Bi2O2CO3(BOC)/Bi4O5Br2(BOB)/reduced graphene oxide (rGO) Z-scheme heterojunction with promising photocatalytic properties was synthesized via a facile one-pot room-temperature method. Ultra-thin nanosheets of BOC and BOB were grown in situ on rGO. The formed 2D/2D direct Z-scheme heterojunction of BOC/BOB with oxygen vacancies (OVs) effectively leads to lower negative electron reduction potential of BOB as well as higher positive hole oxidation potential of BOC, showing improved reduction/oxidation ability. Particularly, rGO is an acceptor of the electrons from the conduction band of BOC. Its dual roles significantly improve the transfer performance of photo-induced charge carriers and accelerate their separation. With layered nanosheet structure, rich OVs, high specific surface area, and increased utilization efficiency of visible light, the multiple synergistic effects of BOC/BOB/rGO can achieve effective generation and separation of the electron-holes, thereby generating more •O2 and h+. The photocatalytic reduction efficiency of CO2 to CO (12.91 µmol/(g·hr)) is three times higher than that of BOC (4.18 µmol/(g·hr)). Moreover, it also achieved almost 100% removal of Rhodamine B and cyanobacterial cells within 2 hours.

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