Construction of algal-bacterial consortia using green microalgae Chlorella vulgaris and As(III)-oxidizing bacteria: As tolerance and metabolomic profiling

Lin Wang , Xiaoman He , Guobing Lin , Jiayuan Zeng , Zhaoguang Yang


Received July 21, 2022,Revised , Accepted April 06, 2023, Available online April 14, 2023

Volume 36,2024,Pages 258-266

Bioremediation became a promising technology to resolve arsenic (As) contamination in aquatic environment. Since monoculture such as microalgae or bacteria was sensitive to environmental disturbance and vulnerable to contamination, green microalgae Chlorella vulgaris and arsenite (As(III)) - oxidizing bacteria Pseudomonas sp. SMS11 were co-cultured to construct algal-bacterial consortia in the current study. The effects of algae-bacteria (A:B) ratio and exposure As(III) concentration on algal growth, As speciation and metabolomic profile were investigated. Algal growth arrested when treated with 100 mg/L As(III) without the co-cultured bacteria. By contrast, co-cultured with strain SMS11 significantly enhanced As tolerance in C. vulgaris especially with A:B ratio of 1:10. All the As(III) in culture media of the consortia were oxidized into As(V) on day 7. Methylation of As was observed on day 14. Over 1% and 0.5% of total As were converted into dimethylarsinic acid (DMA) after 21 days cultivation when the initial concentrations of As(III) were 1 and 10 mg/L, respectively. Metabolomic analysis was further performed to reveal the response of consortia metabolites to external As(III). The enriched metabolomic pathways were associated with carbohydrate, amino acid and energy metabolisms. Tricarboxylic acid cycle and glyoxylate and dicarboxylate metabolism were upregulated under As stress due to their biological functions on alleviating oxidative stress and protecting cells. Both carbohydrate and amino acid metabolisms provided precursors and potential substrates for energy production and cell protection under abiotic stress. Alterations of the pathways relevant to carbohydrate or amino acid metabolism were triggered by energy requirement.

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