Geobacter sulfurreducens promoted the biosynthesis of reduced graphene oxide and coupled it for nitrobenzene reduction

Yue Lu , Shoujuan Zhang , Qi Liu , Linrui Zhong , Jianhong Jiang , Xiaozhe Luo , Xingxin Hu , Qian Liu


Received February 01, 2023,Revised , Accepted April 10, 2023, Available online April 20, 2023

Volume 36,2024,Pages 458-469

In order to explore an efficient and green method to deal with nitrobenzene (NB) pollutant, reduced graphene oxide (rGO) as an electron shuttle was applied to enhance the extracellular electron transfer (EET) process of Geobacter sulfurreducens, which was a typical electrochemically active bacteria (EAB). In this study, rGO biosynthesis was achieved via the reduction of graphene oxide (GO) by G. sulfurreducens PCA within 3 days. Also, the rGO-PCA combining system completely reduced 50-200 µmol/L of NB to aniline as end product within one day. SEM characterization revealed that PCA cells were partly wrapped by rGO, and therefore the distance of electron transfer between strain PCA and rGO material was reduced. Beside, the ID/IG of GO, rGO, and rGO-PCA combining system were 0.990, 1.293 and 1.31, respectively. Moreover, highest currents were observed in rGO-PCA-NB as 12.950 µA/-12.560 µA at -408 mV/156 mV, attributing to the faster electron transfer efficiency in EET process. Therefore, the NB reduction was mainly due to: (I) direct EET process from G. sulfurreducens PCA to NB; (II) rGO served as electron shuttle and accelerated electron transfer to NB, which was the main degradation pathway. Overall, the biosynthesis of rGO via GO reduction by Geobacter promoted the NB removal process, which provided a facile strategy to alleviate the problematic nitroaromatic pollution in the environment.

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