Biotoxicity dynamic change and key toxic organics identification of coal chemical wastewater along a novel full-scale treatment process

Fei Zhao , Weiwei Ma , Xiaoqi Zhang , Hongjun Han , Xueqing Shi , Qiaoping Kong , Tong Yu


Received January 27, 2023,Revised , Accepted April 13, 2023, Available online April 22, 2023

Volume 36,2024,Pages 277-287

It is particularly important to comprehensively assess the biotoxicity variation of industrial wastewater along the treatment process for ensuring the water environment security. However, intensive studies on the biotoxicity reduction of industrial wastewater are still limited. In this study, the toxic organics removal and biotoxicity reduction of coal chemical wastewater (CCW) along a novel full-scale treatment process based on the pretreatment process-anaerobic process-biological enhanced (BE) process-anoxic/oxic (A/O) process-advanced treatment process was evaluated. This process performed great removal efficiency of COD, total phenol, NH4+-N and total nitrogen. And the biotoxicity variation along the treatment units was analyzed from the perspective of acute biotoxicity, genotixicity and oxidative damage. The results indicated that the effluent of pretreatment process presented relatively high acute biotoxicity to Tetrahymena thermophila. But the acute biotoxicity was significantly reduced in BE-A/O process. And the genotoxicity and oxidative damage to Tetrahymena thermophila were significantly decreased after advanced treatment. The polar organics in CCW were identified as the main biotoxicity contributors. Phenols were positively correlated with acute biotoxicity, while the nitrogenous heterocyclic compounds and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were positively correlated with genotoxicity. Although the biotoxicity was effectively reduced in the novel full-scale treatment process, the effluent still performed potential biotoxicity, which need to be further explored in order to reduce environmental risk.

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