Recent Published Articles

Microscopic and spectroscopic analysis of atmospheric iron-containing single particles in Lhasa, Tibet

Bu Duo , Junyu Chen , Daobin Zhang , Yiran Fu , Jinhu Wang , Xiaomei Cui , Ci-ren Qu-zong , Qiangying Zhang , Chan Jin


Received December 10, 2022,Revised , Accepted June 02, 2023, Available online June 10, 2023

Volume 36,2024,Pages 40-50

The Tibetan Plateau, known as the “Third Pole”, is currently in a state of perturbation caused by intensified human activity. In this study, 56 samples were obtained at the five sampling sites in typical area of Lhasa city and their physical and chemical properties were investigated by TEM/EDS, STXM, and NEXAFS spectroscopy. After careful examination of 3387 single particles, the results showed that Fe should be one of the most frequent metal elements. The Fe-containing single particles in irregular shape and micrometer size was about 7.8% and might be mainly from local sources. Meanwhile, the Fe was located on the subsurface of single particles and might be existed in the form of iron oxide. Interestingly, the core-shell structure of iron-containing particles were about 38.8% and might be present as single-, dual- or triple-core shell structure and multi-core shell structure with the Fe/Si ratios of 17.5, 10.5, 2.9 and 1.2, respectively. Meanwhile, iron and manganese were found to coexist with identical distributions in the single particles, which might induce a synergistic effect between iron and manganese in catalytic oxidation. Finally, the solid spherical structure of Fe-containing particles without an external layer were about 53.4%. The elements of Fe and Mn were co-existed, and might be presented as iron oxide–manganese oxide–silica composite. Moreover, the ferrous and ferric forms of iron might be co-existed. Such information can be valuable in expanding our understanding of Fe-containing particles in the Tibetan Plateau atmosphere.

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