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Cellular Cd2+ fluxes in roots confirm increased Cd availability to rice (Oryza sativa L.) induced by soil acidifications

Shibao Chen , Xiaoyi Sun , Meng Wang , Luyao Qin , Lei Yu , Jing Wang , Han Zheng , Wenneng Zhou


Received March 30, 2023,Revised , Accepted June 09, 2023, Available online June 20, 2023

Volume 36,2024,Pages 516-526

Soil acidifications become one of the main causes restricting the sustainable development of agriculture and causing issues of agricultural product safety. In order to explore the effect of different acidification on soil cadmium (Cd) availability, soil pot culture and hydroponic (soil potting solution extraction) were applied, and non-invasive micro-test technique (NMT) was combined. Here three different soil acidification processes were simulated, including direct acidification by adding sulfuric acid (AP1), acid rain acidification (AP2) by adding artificial simulated acid rain and excessive fertilization acidification by adding (NH4)2SO4 (AP3). The results showed that for direct acidification (AP1), DTPA-Cd concentration in field soils in Liaoning (S1) and Zhejiang (S2) increased by 0.167 - 0.217 mg/kg and 0.181 - 0.346 mg/kg, respectively, compared with control group. When soil pH decreased by 0.45 units in S1, the Cd content of rice stems, leaves and roots increased by 0.48 to 6.04 mg/kg and 2.58 to 12.84 mg/kg, respectively, When the pH value of soil S1 and S2 decreased by 0.20 units, the average velocity of Cd2+ at 200 µm increased by 10.03 - 33.11 pmol/cm2/sec and 21.33 -52.86 pmol/cm2/sec, respectively, and followed the order of AP3 > AP2 > AP1. In summary, different acidification measures would improve the effectiveness of Cd, under the same pH reduction condition, fertilization acidification increased Cd availability most significantly.

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