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Fine particle trace elements at a mountain site in southern China: Source identification, transport, and health risks

Yuanqiu Liu , Jiaoping Xing , Runping Ding , Feifeng Chen , Linyu Peng , Wenhua Wang , Xiaoyan Song , Qing Ye


Received June 12, 2023,Revised , Accepted September 26, 2023, Available online October 04, 2023

Volume 36,2024,Pages 166-181

Trace elements in atmospheric particulate matter play a significant role in air quality, human health, and biogeochemical cycles. In this study, the trace elements (Ca, Al, K, Fe, Na, Mg, Zn, Pb, Mn, Ti, Cu, Cr, Sr, Ni) in PM2.5 samples collected at the summit of Mt. Lushan were analyzed to quantify their abundance, source, transport, and health risks. During the whole sampling period, the major trace elements was Ca, Al, and K. While the trace metals with the lowest concentrations were Sr, Ni, Rb, and Cd. The trace elements were influenced by air mass transport routes, exhibiting an increasing trend of crustal elements in the northwesterly airmass and anthropogenic elements (Zn, Mn, Cu, and Ni) in the easterly air masses. Construction dust, coal + biomass burning, vehicle emission, urban nitrate-rich + urban waste incineration emissions, and soil dust + industry emissions were common sources of PM2.5 on Mt. Lushan. Different air mass transport routes had various source contribution patterns. These results indicate that trace elements at Mt. Lushan are influenced by regional anthropogenic emissions and monsoon-dominated trace element transport. The total resulting cancer risk value that these elements posed were below the acceptable risk value of 1 × 10–6, while the non-carcinogenic risk value (1.72) was higher than the safety level, suggesting that non-carcinogenic effects due to these trace elements inhalation were likely to occur. Vehicle emission and coal + biomass burning were the common dominant sources of non-cancer risks posed by trace elements at Mt. Lushan.

Copyright © Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press. All rights reserved.京ICP备05002858号-3