Effect of tillage state of paddy soils with heavy metal pollution on the nosZ gene of N2O reductase

Guibing Zhu , Liping Jiang , Shiguang Liu , Shanyun Wang , Libo Sun


Received October 13, 2022,Revised , Accepted February 14, 2023, Available online February 23, 2023

Volume 36,2024,Pages 469-477

Paddy soils are an important source of atmospheric nitrous oxide (N2O). However, numerous studies have focused on N2O production during the soil tillage period, neglecting the N2O production during the dry fallow period. In this study, we conducted an incubation experiment using the acetylene inhibition technique to investigate N2O emission and reduction rates of paddy soil profiles (0-1 m) from Guangdong Province and Jinlin Province in China, with different heavy-metal pollution levels. The abundance and community structures of denitrifying bacteria were determined via quantitative-PCR and Illumina MiSeq sequencing of nosZ, nirK, and nirS genes. Our results showed that the potential N2O emission rate, N2O production rate, and denitrification rate have decreased with increasing soil vertical depth and heavy-metal pollution. More importantly, we found that the functional gene type of N2O reductase switched with the tillage state of paddy soils, which clade Ⅱ nosZ genes were the dominant gene during the tillage period, while clade Ⅰ nosZ genes were the dominant gene during the dry fallow period. The heavy-metal pollution has less effect on the niche differentiation of the nosZ gene. The N2O emission rate was significantly regulated by the genus Bradyhizobium, which contains both N2O reductase and nitrite reductase genes. Our findings suggests that the nosZ gene of N2O reductase can significantly impact the N2O emission from paddy soils.

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